Acquisition No.: 2013-30
Title: Day Book; 1883-1914
Item History:

Unidentified business/proprieter. Primarily a tally of general merchandise. This book was found with a collection of ten ledgers from I. V. Noel of Bonneauville, PA. and others.

Names include: Orndorff, Bollinger, Ogle, Zacharias, Harmen, Miller, Ohler, Truxell, Motter, Herr, Hoffs, Shaurer, Sheely, Troxell, Bumgardner, Harner, Marshall, Sheldon, et. al.

Entries were primarily for: meals, petty cash, powders and lintaments.

Also listed: medicinal recipes, cow breeding lists and colt breeding lists.

Image  Image
Location: Case IX
Acq. Date: 12/13
Acquired from: Robert Signor
Price ($): 15.00
Type: collection
Curator: ckrc