Acquisition No.: 1999-04
Title: Book; "Polk's Hanover and McSherrystown City Directory," 1979.
Item History:

Contains Bonneauville references, e.g., page 204, "Johnny Jako emp. Bonnieville" [sic]. This directory contains the names of many of the establishments that Bonneauville residence did business with since the small town had so few businesses of her own. At this period in time many town residents preferred to "go to town," meaning to shop in Hanover, rather than patronize Bonneauville stores. The selections were much greater and the jaunts were usually a short pleasant getaway.

Location: Case VII
Acq. Date: 1999
Acquired from: Gettysburg antique street market
Price ($): $10.00
Type: accession
Curator: ckrc