The Bonneauville Museum
This on-line museum has been made available to the public in an effort to share the rich history of Bonneauville. I sincerely hope you enjoy this web site and the diverse collection presented within.

Above: The intersection of Hanover St. and Cedar St. (Bon-Ox Road), Bonneauville, PA.
Below: Newly formed Bonneauville Fire Company’s first firetruck-1924.
Bonneauville was once home to one of the most famous cigar manufacturers in the country, chain, buggy, wagon, casket and furniture making businesses prospered in the town. Shoe makers, a tanner, a harness maker and a goodly population of skilled craftsmen, carpenters and masons, plasterers, seamstresses, mechanics, farmers and others shared space with general store owners, blacksmith shops and garages. New and used automobile dealers, banks, barbers, beauticians, and many others plied their trades in this small but productive part of Pennsylvania. A continually growing collection that has taken years to accumulate and catalog, the Bonneauville Museum houses hundreds of items related to the town, it’s people and it’s businesses.
Collection Updated 4.2022