This red emergency fire truck light by federal Sign and Signal Corp., was in the possession of Raymond "Dolly" Staub at the time of his estate auction. The light is now mounted on a mahogany wood base. Both Raymond and Vince Staub (Staub's Garage, Maple St.) did much of the maintenance work on Bonneauville's fire trucks. After WWII, thousands of surplus military trucks were offered to nonprofit organizations. Bonneauville Fire Compamy obtained one of the rugged trucks and converted it to a fire truck - not an uncommon practice at the time. They nicknamed the vehicle "Old Ironsides." She was geared too low to win a race to a fire but she was rugged" once quipped Mr. Staub. Old Ironsides was eventually taken out of service and replaced with a factory-built truck.
This light was reported at auction to be from Bonneauville's Old Ironsides firetruck.