Item History: |
The Goldens Cigar manufactory was probably the most successful business to ever operate in Bonneauville, PA. From the beginning to well beyond the mid-20th Century the Golden's manufactured the renowned Blue Ribbon Cigar brand. The family produced many other brands as well. Among them was Bokay, ("B" for Bonneauville), Bunney Boys, ("Bunney" for Bonneauville), Penn Rose, Two Homes, Grande, Newcomers (from which a law suit against the Golden's ensued), Two Friends, and a sweetened and flavored cigar made for slowly chewing instead of smoking. Tu-Tu-Chu was the brand name they used for their chewing cigars. This is a sheet of unused "Golden's Tu-Tu-Chu Chewing Cigar" box labels. The cigars sold at two for five cents. (Info per Frederick and Robert Golden interviews-2002). See Acq. No 1990-01 for a historic overview of Golden's Cigar Manufactory in Bonneauville, PA.