Acquisition No.: 1985-07
Title: Booklet; "Meteorites Found in Pennsylvania," 1967.
Item History:

This booklet describes the Mount Joy Meteorite. It was the largest meteorite ever found east of the Mississippi River. (See pages 10 and 33.) The piece struck the earth about 2.5 miles south-south west of Bonneauville, near Two Taverns. Surprisingly, the largest piece of the meteorite is now in the posession of the Austrian Government.

"The Mount Joy Meteorite is said to be the largest meteorites found east of the Mississippi River. "It is possible the meteorite fell in November" according to the Gettysburg Sentinel Nov. 18, 1833. "The whole heavens appeared to be illuminated by countless meteors, of different sizes. The meteorite was discovered in 1877 by Jacob Snyder on his farm near Two Taverns. It weighed in at about 800 pounds. The largest portion of the meteorite is today located in the Museum of Natural History, Vienna, Austria. The Smithsonian Institute has since purchased a part of the extraterrestrial rock from the Austrians. A small specimen is on display at the Adams County Historical Society." Source: www.mtjoytwp.us. See Smithsonian Institute and various Internet sites for additional information.

Location: Case VII
Acq. Date: 1985
Acquired from: Pa. State Archives
Price ($): 5.00
Type: accession
Curator: ckrc