This photograph of the Bonneauville Catholic War Veterans, their spouses and guests, was taken at Lincoln Logs Restaurant (2715 York Rd Gettysburg, PA 17325) about 1949. A banner over the stage reads "For God, For Country, For Home," the CWV organization's motto. An American and a CWV flag are displayed on the raised platform. Directly above the American flag is Rev. Leo Krichten, then of Bonneauville Parrish. The post was named for Fr. Krichten. He is the only individual in the group on stage, to be identified to date.
Individuals on the dining floor who have been identified to date are numbered on the photo key and listed below.
1. Bernard "Bun" Walters
2. Rita Walters
3. Clarence Claybaugh
4. Bernard "Bunk" Sneeringer
5. Ann Sneeringer
6. Ed Bowling
7. Millie Bowling
8. Betty Clabaugh
9. Joseph Clabaugh
10. Charles "Popeye" Shanebrook
11. Louise "Weesie" Weishaar
12. Ray Weishaar
13. Gene Weishaar
14. Mary Weishaar
15. Patricia Shanebrook
16. Frank Shanebrook
Lincoln Logs; "c-1940 faux-log attraction remains standing (2016.) Old match books advertised - it's different. (Quoted from: "The Lincoln Highway" - Butco, Brian - Stackpole Books, Mechanicsburg, PA. 2002.)
Ref: Father Krichten Catholic War Veterans Post 1342/ Catholic War Veterans Home Association Of Bonneauville Pa. 28 Hickory Ave
Bonneauville, Gettysburg, PA 17325