This sixteeen page booklet titled; " 25 Silver Jubilee of The Reverend Paul T. Rindos, 1959 - 1984", was published 1984. "The Lord Bless and Keep You, Parrish Program, Bonneauville Fire Hall, June 24, 1984, 6:00 P.M."
The contents of the book include primarly; the following local sponsors of the event:
James Gebhart, Building Contractor
Louis M. Sanders, Plastering Contractor
Catholic War Veterans Ladies Auxiliary
Glenn Showvaker, Plastering Contractor
Bonneauville Lions Club
Clabaugh Excavating
Levere Long, Plastering Contractor
Weavers Hardware and General Merchandise
Stan "C" Deitz, ...Painting..."
Norman D. Little, Plastering Contractor
Jago Bros. Used Cars
Way Mar Rental
Ken Sanders Repair Shop
Rich Weaver, Plastering Contractor
Bec's Hairstyling Salon
Jake and Dorry, Grey Goose Inn
Thomas Gebhart, Building Contractor
P. C. C. W., St. Joseph The Worker
Hartlaub and Sons, used auto parts
Gardnaer Greenhouse
Weavers Custom Butchering
Staub Bros., Used Auto Parts
Howard and Marian Hawbaker, Hawbaker's Egg Farm
Catholic War Veterans - Post 1342