Acquisition No.: 2020-32
Title: 1826 Newspaper Notice; Militia Parade at Bonaughtown.
Item History:

"Attention! Mountpleasant Volunteers. You will parade on Wednesday the 23d instant, at the house of Jonathan Swope, in Bonaughtown, at 12 o'clock, M in complete uniform. By order of the Captain, Albert Vandyke. O.S., February 1, 1826."

Gettysburg Compiler Newspaper article, February 1, 1826;

There were twenty-four states in the Union in 1826. The War of 1812 was not long over. John Quincy Adams was president. In 1826 Thomas Jefferson and John Adams died on the same day. It was the 59th anniversary year of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Major William P. Clarke. 1909 “Official History of the Militia and the National Guard of the State of Pennsylvania”.

Notes from Major Clarke’s book; “Fifth division. First brigade, county of York; Second brigade, county of Adams…Between the passage of the act of April 2, 1822, and the act of April 25, 1844, there was little militia legislation except numerous acts permitting the volunteer companies, or organized militia, to be exempt from drills and parades with the unorganized militia, provided they held the required number of drills upon dates of their own choosing…hereafter all volunteer companies organized according to law, shall be exempt from parading with the militia: Provided however, that said companies shall parade the number of days in each year, now provided by law."

“Each regiment was required to parade at least once between May I and October I of each year, as the brigade inspector should order and direct, for the purpose of discipline, inspection and review.”

"History of Cumberland and Adams Counties, Pennsylvania" (Cat. No. 2018-02) And several others early histories showcased in this catalogue file refer to an old militia fort as being located in the Bonneauville area, in the early 19th Century. The information is vague, not factual and was transmitted by word of mouth. This newspaper militia notice may lend some credence to the possibility that there was some kind of fort in the area.

See papers; “The History of Phillips Post”.

See also the book; "Official History of the Militia and the National Guard of the State of Pennsylvania" by; Major William R. Clarke.

Broadside size; 18" x 33 1/2"

Photograph: Image