This is a cigar box end label from a brand of cigars named “White Orchid”. Cigar boxes, labels, bands and advertisements sometimes show up on online auction sites. Some sellers advertise the brand as a Golden's/Bonneauville product. The claim has been difficult to prove. (see eBay 1/30/2002, "Antique Vintage White Orchid Embossed Cigar Label Bonneauville, PA 1900s - 1920s.")
Interestingly and atypically, White Orchid box labels come in several subtly different color schemes. The indication is that perhaps there were different producers licensed by Mr. Golden.
An advertisement in the “Directory of the Tobacco Trade in Pennsylvania”, 1925 states: The P. E. Reichard Co., Red Lion, PA is: “also the manufacturer of State Bond and White Orchid cigars”.
Possibly he was licensed by cigar broker A. J. Golden Inc, York, PA. (previously of Bonneauville).
“Brands and Their Companies”, Issue 20, Volume 2, page 2043 notes; “White Orchid (Cigars)” see A. J. Golden, Inc.
In “Consumer Sourcebook: A Directory and Guide to Government Organizations” also notes; “White Orchid (Cigars)” see A. J. Golden, Inc.
An interesting note from “Distribution Problems Affecting Small Business: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on the Judiciary United States Senate…” “Who among you has heard of Budd Cigar Co. of Dothan, Ala.? or of A. J. Golden Inc. of York, PA, … yet these firms are among the ranking cigar producers in the United States.” Page 709.
At this time “A. J.” was listed by the trade as a York, PA cigar broker, a complex and demanding occupation.