This photograph was taken in front of St. Joseph's Church in Bonneauville, PA about 1945. The photo includes most of the men and women of the town who served in WWII. Theron Little died during combat. Joseph Weaver died overseas as a result of an accident.
12" x 15" framed photographic copy.
Name Index: Bonneauville War Veterans Photograph Identification can be found on reverse of photo and below:
1. John Weaver (Lardy Weaver)
2. Eugene Weishaar
3. John Eck
4. Clement Hawn
5. Leo Ginter
6. Joseph Clabaugh
7. Rodney Sneeringer
8. John Orndorff
9. -unknown-
10. Robert Clabaugh
11. Guy Ginter (Bait Ginter)
12. Steven Sanders
13. John Legore
14. Charles Staub (Charlie Staub)
15. Vincent Orndorff (Bin Orndorff)
16. Anna Margartet Sneeringer
17. Albert Chrismer (Albee Chrismer)
18. Ann Topper
19. Sylvester Seymore (Wess Seymore)
20. Paul Myers
21. Bernard Walters (Bun Walters)
22. Francis Weaver (Greasy Weaver)
23. Leroy Shanebrook
24. Richard Weaver
25. Jack Stahl
26. Gerald Hawn (Bones Hawn)
27. Bernard Chrismer (Cockey Chrismer)
28. Louis Myers (Hopper Myers)
29. Richard Golden (Dick Golden)
30. Paul Eck (Hap Eck)
31. Charles Shanebrook (Popeye Shanebrook)
32. Richard Neiderer
33. -unknown-
34. Robert Storm
35. Norman Little
36. Raymond Smith (Button Smith)
37. Francis Topper
38. Francis L. Shanebrook
39. Francis Clabaugh
40. Norman Smith
41. Edward Smith
42. Raymond Weishaar (Ray Weishaar)