Postmarked at the Bonneauville Post Office in 1894, this letter is addressed to Attorney W. M. McSherry, of Gettysburg, PA.
This letter regarding financial matters, was written by Lizzie Gilbert. Mrs. Gilbert resided in a dilapidated two-story house that stood beside the Bonneauville Borough Hall on East Hanover Street until around 1960 when it was razed. She was a Centenarian who remembered the Civil War battles in Gettysburg and near Bonneauville. Troops by the thousands wearily marched by her house on the way to a battle which had already begun. Regarding the conflict she once noted; "We all thought we were going to die." The statement likely reflected the fear that most of Bonneauville's citizenry felt at the time.
Note: It still amazes me that when I was about eight years old I knew someone from Bonneauville who was alive during the Civl War. - The author.