Note: Photographs are labeled 1-1(page 1, photo no. 1,) through 56-2 (page 56, photo no. 2.)
The photo descriptions herein listed are based on interviews, research, and the author's knowledge of Bonneauville. Just a few sample photographs are shown on this page. The balance are available for viewing and photographing by appointment.
Interviewee names are coded per the following:
WS = Wanda Sanders, Hanover, PA, 2009 interview.
JK = John Keiser and sons Mike and Dennis, near Bonneauville, PA, August, 2013 interview
DK = Dennis Keiser, July 2013.
LL = Levere Long and Darlene Long, Bonneauville, PA, September, 2013 Interviews. (11/21/13)
RG = Robert Golden, Rural Gettysburg, PA, 10/14/2013.
TS = Timothy Smith, Adams County Historical Society, 11/14/13.
RW = Roger Weaver, 11/30/13.
BW = Rebecca "Bec" Weaver, 12/5/13
This album has been disassembled due to continued damage to the photos caused by hinging and stress bending. (Current sleeves are acid-free.)
Photograph Descriptions: Album No. 1
1-1-Left; Sister Bernadine Strausbaugh, Order of the Sisters of Mercy. Photo shot from the alleyway on Maple Street between 1 W. Hanover St. and 1 Maple St., facing E.N.E. (First block of E. Hanover St. in background. (BW)
1-2- Left; Sister Bernadine Strausbaugh. Center; Leocadia sp.? "Aunt Lee" Strausbaugh. (BW)
1-4- Right; Sister Bernadine Strausbaugh, Order of the Sisters of Mercy. Center; Mildred "Millie" Gebhart holding Betty Gebhart. (BW)
2-1- Millie and Evy (Groft?) "The mother of the two was a Strausbaugh. They were raised by Grandma Strausbaugh," (who owned the old log hotel on Maple St.) (BW)
2-2- Mildred Gebhart. (BW)
2-4-George and Marie Long, 3E Hanover St. "They lived there before they bought 7E. George was a plasterer by trade." (LL)
3-1- 5E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA.
3-2- 5E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. Possibly Millie. (BW)
3-3- 5E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. Looks like Evy. (BW)
3-4- 5E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. Possibly Helen Keiser. (BW)
4-1- George Long in what appears to be a Navy uniform. According to Levere Long, his father George never served in the military.
4-2- Helen Keiser - Photo taken at the "back alley" on the first block of East Hanover Street (north side.) The barn was destroyed by fire in the 1950's. (WS)
4-3- George Long
4-4- George Long and Marie Keiser Long.
5-2- Center; Helen Keiser (Sanders.)
5-3- Clarence and Lizzy Sneeringer's picnic grounds at the confluence of White Run and Chicken Run, west of Bonneauville. See 31-1
5-4- George Long and Helen Keiser Long. (BW)
6-1- Studio print, back-marked in ink; "Keisers"
Back-marked in printed text; "H. Bishop photographer, Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, No. 23488, Negative retained, duplicates can be had at any time."
6-2- Likely Blue Ridge Summit. (TS) Same girl as 7-2. "Looks like Helen Keiser." (BW)
6-3- Looks like Marie Keiser on the left and Helen Keiser on the right. Possibly Charlotte Long in the center." (BW)
7-1- Helen and Marie Keiser (Two 1920's automobiles in background.) (KO)
7-2- Helen Keiser Sanders. (BW)
7-3- Clarence and Lizzy Sneeringer's picnic grounds west of Bonneauville at the confluence of White Run and Chicken Run. See 31-1 Helen Keiser Sanders. (BW)
7-4- George Long and Helen Keiser. (LL)
8-1- George Long, family house in Irishtown ? (LL)
8-2- Marie Keiser (Long) and Helen Keiser (Sanders). (BW)
8-3-. Early 1920's auto in background at right. A side alley connects Hanover street (Center Street on 1878 map.) to the "back alley" which runs parallel to Hanover Street. Several horse and carriage barns which served the houses on main street, once lined the back alley. One by one they disappeared. One fell victim to an arson, others were raised as they became old and obsolete (Note: my father Vincent Orndorff lost his wedding ring while fighting a fire at the Long's barn (7E Hanover St.) on this alley. It was the early 1950's and he was a member of the Bonneauville Volunteer Fire Company.) (KO)
8-4- 7E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. (Same house as photo 10-4.)
9-1- Marie Keiser Long on porch swing. 3E Hanover St. Winter time-snow on the ground. (LL)
9-2- "Dancin in the Street." Location; The borough line where Chicken Run crosses Rt 116 at the west end of Bonneauville, PA. Facing east-south-east. (KO)
"In the early 1950's young adults died in a single car accident at this location. The car was traveling through Bonneauville heading west. The concrete bridge abutment had been made larger sometime after this photo was taken but before the accident. I seem to recall that a doctor was also killed in an automobile accident at this location." (RG)
I was probably less than ten years old when I remember my dad coming home and telling us about the single car automobile accident in which the five youngsters died. Back in those days officials would often leave a crashed auto at the scene of the accident for a day or two as a way of trying to encourage the driving public to drive safely. In the case of the five deaths the auto was towed to a garage in Gettysburg and placed where curiosity seekers could view it. Dad took mother and us kids to see it. I seem to recall a two-tone salmon or tan and white Ford of about 1953 vintage that was pretty well smashed up in the front but did not look as bad as some of today's accidents that drivers walk away from. There were no seat belts or air bags in that old Ford and the metal was so thick that passengers smashed around inside the vehicle instead of the metal crumpling to absorb some of the shock. (KO)
9-4- Helen Keiser standing alone. 3E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. General store (now Weavers) in the background, Winter time, snow on the ground.
10-4- Marie (born 1903) and Helen Keiser, 3E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA
11-1- Man with horse-Peter David Keiser. Location-back alley of 5/7 E Hanover Street. "He loved his horses." (WS)
11-2- Marie Keiser Long; 3E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA
11-3- Helen Keiser (Sanders) (LL) Photo taken at Kirwin Inn. (Railing and awning are the same as photo 11-3.) KO
11-4- Appears to be George Long and Richard Sanders. (BW)
12-2- Helen Keiser (Sanders) on left. (BW)
12-3- "That's a Strausbaugh if I ever saw one." (RW)
"A Strausbaugh - got to be." (BW)
12-4- George and Marie Long, and likely George's father. (LL)
13-1- Helen Keiser (Sanders.) (LL)
13-2- Same bridge as in photo 9-2. The first paved road in Bonneauville was the Hanover road (Hanover Street.) (See road construction photo, Chapter 6, Bonneauville History and Lore.) This small bridge was located about half way between Bonneauville Square and Sneeringer's Picnic Grounds west of town. (KO)
"George Long is on the far right, he was bow-legged. Helen is in the center." (BW)
13-3- George Long on right. (BW)
13-4- Helen and Marie Keiser reclining. (BW)
14-1- Eight young ladies at Kirwin Inn. See Photo 22-1. 2nd from left - Emma Myers, 4th from left - Helen Keiser, At center behind sign - Mary Myers. (Emma and Mary Myers were daughters of Cletus Myers who lived directly across from St. Joseph's Church. Emma and Mary's brother Ambrose Myers owned the farm at 3 Cedar St. (BonOx Road.) In 1749, Most of the land which the town of Bonneauville now lies, was part of that plantation. (KO)
14-2- Boy with handsome dog, two girls holding kittens.
14-3- Rear of 5 & 7E Hanover Street, Bonneauville
15-2- Emma Myers, Standing at left. Marie Keiser at center.
15-3- Front center - Helen Keiser, Standing in back - Emma Myers. "Could be Mary Myers on the right." (BW)
15-4- Emma Myers standing at left ? (KO)
16-1- Signage states; "Blue Mountain Church, nondenominational, Services every Sunday, Sunday School 8:45 am, . . . All welcome. . ." (KO)
Helen Keiser sitting on rail, 2nd from left - possibly "Joe" Strausbaugh, Marie Keiser - middle, Mary Myers - 4th from left, Emma Myers - far right. (BW) Emma and Mary were "old maids."
16-3- Signage states; "This way to, CG&W Street Ry. Co. Electric Line. . . Blue Ridge - 8 cents, . . Last car 10:00 pm.
17-1- Marie Keiser on right. (BW)
17-2- Two young men on a diving tower. George Long? (LL) An old steering wheel is suspended from a long rope for swinging out over the water.
17-3- A Strausbaugh at center in white dress. (BW)
18-1- Marie Keiser Long on left. (LL)
18-4-Hellen Keiser Sanders (LL) Possibly Millie (Groft?) Gebhart. (BW)
19-1- Charlotte, Doris and Melvin Long with mother Marie. (LL)
19-2- Charlotte, Doris and Melvin Long with mother Marie. (LL)
19-3- "Caledonia Furnace before restoration" (Sign states; "Caledonia Furnace")(TS). George Long (LL)
19-4- Charlotte, Doris or Phyllis, and Melvin Long with their mother Marie (standing). (LL)
Ann Keiser (Peter's wife see 25-4) center, seated. Woman seated on right ?
20-1- Likely Caledonia Furnace. (TS) Marie and Helen Keiser. (BW)
20-2- George, Marie and Melvin Long with dog. (LL)
20-3- Helen Keiser Sanders at left. Possibly Richard Sanders. (BW)
20-4- Melvin Long with one of his sisters. (LL)
21-1- Marie and Helen Keiser, Strausbaugh kids, Millie Gebhart 2nd from right, back row. (BW)
This attractive group of Bonneauville friends sport the popular hairstyles of the 1930's. Just a few years earlier the styles were considered bold and sinful by some. The fact that Emma Myers who was near fanatical in her religious beliefs, wore the style, is evidence that by the time this photo was taken the "sin" implication was gone. Hollywood starlets like Greta Garbo and Joan Crawford popularized the short hair and finger-curl look. (KO)
21-2- Signage; See photo 16-3.
21-3- Same location as 13-2. George Long and Marie Keiser Long, seated. (BW)
21-4- George and Marie Long.
22-3- Probably a Strausbaugh seated, front left. (BW)
22-4- George Long and possibly Helen. (BW)
23-1- Possibly Strausbaugh. (BW)
23-2- 7E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA.
23-3- Railroad track in foreground.
23-4- Strausbaugh. (BW)
24-2- Marie Long and Richard Sanders, 5E Hanover Street, Bonneauville, PA. (LL)
24-3- St. Joseph's School, Bonneauville, PA.
24-4- George and Marie Keiser Long (LL) in front of an air dry lumber pile.
25-1- George and Marie Keiser Long on right. Unidentified woman on left. (LL)
25-2- George and Marie Keiser Long
25-3- Peter Keiser, left, holding a kitten on a stump. Marie and George Long, center and right.
25-4- Peter and Ann Keiser.
26-3-Earl "Uncle Bony" Orndorff and Ann. (AW)
27-1- Blue Ridge Summit (TS) Signage: Top center-"Seylar's Ice Cream and Lunches . . . Coca Cola."
Bottom, right; "Souvenirs, gifts-curios . . . Coca cola"
27-2- Probably Blue Ridge Summit, possibly Tuscarora Summit. (TS)
27-3- Photo taken from the widow's walk of the building in photo 27-1 (TS)
27-4- Couple on right in dark clothing; Peter and Ann Keiser.
28-1- George and Ann Keiser with early automobile. Note: no tire on spare tire rim. Times were tough then. A Mr. Melhorn of Bonneauville was said to have driven a Model T Ford with a section of fire hose in place of the tire. At Jago's automobile dealership near Bonneauville car payments were as low as $.25 per month.
28-2- George, Marie and Helen Long.
28-3- Helen Keiser Sanders, 2nd from left, Sister Bernadine Strausbaugh, far right. (BW) (Also see photos 1-1 thru 2-3.)
Note: The lintel molding over the windows on this building match that of photos 38-1, 38-2, 38-3, 39-1, 39-3, 39-3, 42-4, 42-5, and 44-4. (KO)
29-2- Same building as 34-4, location unknown.
29-3- Likely Pen-Mar, (TS) A favorite respite destination for citizenry of Bonneauville in the early 20th Century. The park's popularity declined with the advent of the Great Depression. Its popularity ended during WWII.(KO)
29-4- Sign over doorway "Kirwin Inn."
30-1- General Reynolds Equestrian monument on the Chambersburg Pike (Rt 30) west of Gettysburg (First day of that Battle of Gettysburg.) (KO)
30-2- Now 1 W Hanover St. Previously a livery stable site, Goldens Cigar Factory, Bonneauville Fire House, Weaver,s Pool Hall, appartments, etc.
30-3- "High Water Mark of the Rebellion" monument on the Gettysburg Battlefield. (KO)
31-1- Chicken Run flows through Bonneauville past 7E. Hanover St. (now an underground culvert). It crosses Hanover St. at 1W. Hanover St. It again crosses Hanover Street at the Municipal Authority property to the west. It crosses Rt. 116 (Hanover St.) for a third time about one mile west of Bonneauville where it joins White Run. The south side of White Run Bridge was once a popular picnic ground for Bonneauville residents. This picture creates the image of a bridge that looks much larger than it actually is.
Below; Karl Orndorff, 10/6/13 Interview with Linus Smith, McSherrystown, PA
Where were early Smith Reunions held when you were a child?
"They were held at Clarence Sneeringer's farm outside of Bonneauville." (Now the Richard Mills dairy farm, west of Bonneauville on Rt. 116 - 2451 Hanover Road.) "Clarence and Lizzie sold the farm (early 1950's) and moved into Bonneauville." (Now 27 East Hanover Street.)
Were there any pavilions or other structures at the picnic grounds?
"No. There was a baseball diamond. It was located between the barn and the creek. Some of the guys could hit that ball all the way into the creek."
Besides baseball (mushball) what other games did you play?
"We liked to unhitch the horses from the buggies. Some of us boys would pull the little kids around the picnic grounds like we were the horses." There was a big swing off of a big tree by the creek."
"Father (Peter) Huffnagle would come up from Cuba for the reunions. He always brought two new bats and two mushballs. He always smoked his cigarettes in one of those long plastic cigarette holders." "Father Peet would stay for a few days and then go home."
Did your family come all the way from McSherrystown by horse and buggy?
"No. They had no car. They would pay someone to drive them to Clarence and Lizzies."
"Mrs. Huffnagle married Basil Hockensmith."
"I don't know how the beer was handled. A lot of em' liked to drink beer - even my dad."
"There was no bottles or cans, They set the keg in the running water in the creek to keep it cool."
"Puddin Laurence came to the reunions. He was an umpire in the minor leagues."
What else did you do at the reunions for entertainment?
"What the women liked to do was take some of their clothe off and get in the creek to cool off with the children."
"I drove a thirty-six Buick back then."
"As the sun went down over the hill, one by one, everyone would go home."
Discussion with Roger Weaver, 11/30/13
Do you recall Sneeringer's picnic grounds?
"We played ball there (after our chores were done.) Later Clarence moved to East Hanover Street in Bonneauville (29 E. Hanover) and I built a new house next door (25 E. Hanover.) When I sold the house it was gifted to a young Trostle couple who did not want to live in Bonneauville. It was then owned by Francis and "Mick" Bennet. Clarence liked his beer and he always had a large garden. Clarence came over one day and said that my kids (Bon and Roger) were pulling vegetables from the stalks. I said well I guess there is only one thing we can do "Clairnie"; put up a fence. On one of the hottest days of the year we dug the post holes by hand. "Clairnie" went in the house for a beer and came out with two. He insisted I drink one but I could not take more than one mouthful of it." "He was a good old guy." (RW)
31-2- Five girls with bouquets, 7E Hanover Street, Bonneauville. Camera facing south. Background: same automobile as photo 21-1.
31-3- George and Marie Long, Richard and Helen Sanders; wedding photo.
32-1- "Bonneauville girls" at Chicken Run bridge on the square in Bonneauville. (KO)
32-2- Connecting alleyway between 7 and 9 East Hanover St.
32-3- The first paved road through Bonneauville (SR116) was concrete. The white posts with two rows of steel cables are early automobile guardrails such as those that lined both sides of the road west of the town where the roadbed was raised above the lowlands of Chicken Run and White Run. (KO)
32-4- Photo taken from connecting alleyway between 7 and 9 East Hanover St. Background: J. J. Staub's Dry Goods store "on the square" in Bonneauville (KO)
33-2- Painting on rocks "Besore Dry Goods . . . "
33-3- Kirwin Inn. Reference photo 14-1.
34-3- Note: same building as 29-2 - a train station. (TS)
34-4- Possibly Gettysburg College building (TS)
35-1- Ezra Hawn (seated.) 1843-1928. Ezra wa a private with Co. I, 98th Regiment, Pennsylvania Infantry. (KO.) Photo taken in the "back alley" paralleling the first block of East Hanover Street on the north side. "Peter Keiser. Pete Keiser was a carpenter. He built barns around the Bonneauville area. He was born in 1853." (JK)
"Peter Keiser, Helen Keiser, Annie Hawn Keiser, Ezra Hawn (seated.) (WS)
Background - Raymond and Myrtle Orndorff barn (Now the parking lot for Weavers hardware and Grocery store.) (KO)
35-2- Peter Keiser (seated.) "Worked at Golden's cigar factory in Bonneauville." "His name is on one of the stained glass windows in St. Joseph's Church." (JK)
Golden's Cigar factory (their third factory location in Bonneauville,) is located behind 30 E. Hanover Street. Photo 40-5 of five young ladies was taken at the Golden's factory. After the turn of the 20th Century there were four cigar manufacturers operating in Bonneauville. (KO)
"Peter Keiser, Marie Keiser Long, George Long, Annie Hawn Keiser, Ezra Hawn (seated.) (WS)
"Peter Keiser was a carpenter, he built the two towers on the front of St. Joseph's Church." (LL) Peter's name is remembered on one of the stained glass windows of St. Joseph's Church. The window is located on the East bell tower, at the front. (DK)
35-3- Ezra Hawn seated. Peter Keiser standing at left. Ann Hawn Keiser standing at right. (WS) Barn in background owned by Vincent B. then Raymond B. Orndorff, (now the parking lot for Weavers Hardware and Grocery Store. Note: Behind Peter Keiser's right elbow stands the stands a large Pennsylvania bank barn.
The old Chrismer (later James Gebhart) barn stands on a sharp curve where automobile accidents abound before good high. Noted Roger Weaver on 11/30/13; I saw at least five people dead on that corner. There was a family of three Smiths that died, A guy driving a coupe; they found a pistol in his glove compartment, and the Gebhart boy going to the fire company when his dad had a fire at the farm. Once we were rescuing a guy from a car that ran off of the road there. Someone hollered; look out here comes another one. A second vehicle missed the curve and crashed into the first car."(RW) "I remember when the 'floor lady" (supervisor) at Bonneauville Sewing Factory (Maple St.) left for lunch. She got as far as the corner. A tractor trailer came around and jack-knifed. She was killed instantly." (BW) (Note; Norm and Rebecca Weaver lost two sons and had a third severely crippled and a nephew killed in three separate car accidents around Bonneauville, PA.) (KO)
At the time my grandparents Raymond and Myrtle Orndorff lived at 2 W Hanover Street. There was an open field from their house to the barn on the corner. We visited them often on Saturday evenings. I was very young. It seemed like every visit we could set on the west side of the house was and watch an accident. Grandmother had a nervous condition which was attributed to the precariousness of their location and witnessing the pain and death. I believe that it was a breakdown that led to my grandparents moving to Florida. Life did not suit them there. Their family was in Pennsylvania. Granddad tore down an old brick one-room schoolhouse and used the material to build the house at 4West Hanover street-even closer to the accident site. Shortly after he passed grandmother moved to Hanover. (KO)
35-4- The rostrum where Lincoln gave his address at the Soldier's National Cemetery in Gettysburg (TS)
36-1- Richard and Helen Keiser Sanders wedding party. Background J.J. Staub Dry Goods Store - on the square in Bonneauville. Far background 5 & 7 E. Hanover St. Note: Street still unpaved.
36-2- Richard and Helen Sanders at Niagara Falls on their honeymoon.
36-3- Richard and Helen Sanders at Niagara Falls on their honeymoon.
37-1- View looking south from the square in Bonneauville (High Street on 1878 map, now Maple Street.) To the left of the girls is J. J. Staub's Dry Goods store.
37-3- Man on a motorcycle. Reported to be George Long by (WS.) May be a Gebhart. (KO, LL) two early automobiles in background at right.
37-5- Girls posing with soda bottles and snacks. The caps are still on the bottles.
38-1- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
38-2- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
38-3- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
38-4- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play. The large bank barn in the background once stood where Brothers Pizza is now located.
38-5- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
39-1- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
39-2- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
39-3- Young Bonneauvillians appear to be dressed up for a play.
39-5- Roman Catholic priest in background, 4t from left.
40-2- Hellen Keiser.
40-3- Girl setting on the running board of an old automobile.
40-4- Two priests and an early automobile. Background - St. Joseph's School - Bonneauville, PA. Far background is the site of St. Joseph's "New School" which was constructed in 1959. Priest on right, appears to be the beloved Father O'Hanrahan who tragically died in an automobile accident (10/16/35) while traveling from Bonneauville to Philadelphia. (See separate photo album for O'hanrahan funeral.) (KO)
40-5- Golden's Cigar Factory, behind 30 E. Hanover Street. (KO)
Edith Strasbaugh, 4th from left. (RW)
41-1- Five Girls at Chicken Run Bridge. In background, Noel's/Golden's General Store on the square in Bonneauville - now Weaver's Hardware and Groceries. The Golden's manufactured cigars upstairs and directly or indirectly ran a general store downstairs. Sign on West wall "Beechnut Chewing Tobacco" Signs in front windows "Newman's Ice Cream" and "Beechnut Tobacco." (KO)
Ruth Orndorff, Laurence's daughter, 1st on left. (of 9W Hanover St.,) (RW)
Ann Orndorff, Raymond and Myrtle's daughter, (of 2W Hanover St.,) 2nd from left. (RW)
41-2- "Frannie Smith's house in foreground, Annie and Kate Staub Barn. Linus Smith workshop. Man in photo, possibly Richard Smith." (RW)
42-2- Boy with cat. Location and identity unknown.
42-3- Raymond B. Orndorff 2nd from left. Man 4th from left is smoking a cigarette. Man 5th from left is wearing a baseball uniform with a baseball glove on his right hand. Baseball was "big" in Bonneauville throughout the first half of the 20th Century. (KO) man on left is "Tarnt" Orndorff. One could be Greasy Weaver, "Boots Weaver's boy. His brother Joe died in Germany during WWII. (RW)(AW)
43-2- Two young men on unhitched wagon. "The man on the left appears to be Albert "Putty" (Chrismer) Gebhart. He was the step son of Tommy Gebhart who took a Chrismer lady as his second wife. He now lives in North Carolina.
43-3- Same building as in photo 42-3. Horse-drawn wagon in front of building.
43-4- Girl seated on the bumper of an early automobile. Background; 1 East Hanover Street, General store on right, 2 West Hanover Street home of Vincent Bernard Orndorff (later Raymond B. Orndorff) on left.
43-5- Appears to be Evelyn Chrismer, Helen and Marie Keiser (LL)
44-4- Same group/costumes as 38-1 through 39-3.
45-1- George and Marie Long (LL)
45-3- Ezra Hawn (Civil War veteran) and wife.
46-1- Young girl (a Long) in front of 5 and 7 E. Hanover Street. Standing on sidewalk bridge over Chicken Run. The Run now flows through a underground culvert. (LL)
46-3- Rear of 5E Hanover St. Young girl (a Long) (LL) with tricycle and child's buggy. Man in background with hands on hips appears to be looking at an old hand-crank grinding wheel.
46-4- Rear of 5E Hanover St. Young girl (a Long) holding two kittens. Occupied chicken yard in background.
47-1- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
47-2- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
47-3- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
47-4- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
48-1- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
48-2- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding.
48-3- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Helen Keiser Sanders wedding photo.
48-4- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders and unknown.
49-1- Helen and Richard Sanders at 7E. Hanover St. Bonneauville, PA
49-2- 3-7E. Hanover St., Bonneauville, PA. Richard and Helen Sanders wedding. 3W. Hanover Street in the background
49-3- Helen Keiser Sanders at Niagara Falls
49-4- Richard Sanders at Niagara Falls
50-1- Helen Keiser Sanders at Niagara Falls.
50-2- Helen Keiser Sanders at Niagara Falls.
50-3- Helen Keiser Sanders at Niagara Falls.
50-4- Niagara gorge below the falls.
51-1- Honeymooning Richard Sanders.
51-2- Honeymooning Richard Sanders.
51-3- Niagara gorge below the falls.
Note: Richard Sanders died at a fairly young age after fathering seven children. He was well liked in the community. Richard worked hard to raise a dignified family. (KO) He delivered bread door-to-door in a bread truck. (BW) Rich owned school buses and he owned a motel in Gettysburg. (WS) Helen was the tax collector for Mount Pleasant Township until Phil Little took over." (RW)
53-1- Young Lady standing in front of a steel cable automobile guardrail. See photos 32-1 and 32-3.
53-2- Unknown at same bridge as photos 9-2 & 13-2.
53-3- Two girls sitting on steel cable automobile guardrail. See photos 32-1 and 32-3.
53-4- "Just married" sign on Richard and Helen Sanders modern 1930's automobile. Markings on the spare tire state; _____ Chrismer, _____, PA. Possibly a car rental or car dealer's name. A Chrismer owned a salvage yard on West Hanover Street for a time. Same automobile as In photo 48-1.
54-1- Richard and Helen Sanders.
54-3- Couple on right; Richard and Helen Sanders.
Of note: On the 2nd Tuesday of every month The Sanders and Long siblings meet at Gettysburg Family restaurant at 12:30 pm for lunch. (12/11/13.)