This 1970 published book lends itself well to the history of Bonneauville's early cigar manufactories. Especially to the Golden family of cigar makers whom operated the most successful business ever in the town of Bonneauville.
The book was written by Tony Hyman, and signed by the author. It is first edition no. 1131 of 2950 copies. The book's 166 pages review every imaginable facet for determining the identification of cigar manufactories and their boxes.
This book once had a sleeve cover. sometimme after it's disappearance someone hand printed; "Cigar Boxes & PA Factories" on the unlabeled spine.
Under Acknowledgements, (P. IX), Mr. Hyman writes; "I owe special and recent debt to two men: W. Jerome (Jerry) Golden of A. J. Golden Inc. for extremely valuable insight into the marketing of cigars and the role of the broker in the creation of brands; and Fred Bradley..."
Two of the many brands of cigars that the Goldens produced are represented in this writing. On page 95 is shown, the box cover art for "Two Friends" cigars. Page 145 shows an opened box full of "Two Homers" cigars. Both brands were advertised at two for five cents. Both names are better described under other catalogue no's. in this museum file. (i.e. Cat. No. 2020-04).
In Chapter 4;"Glass, Plastic and cardboard Boxes", subheading; "Plastic" can be found the following; "A similar style black chest box was used for a few years during the 1960's by Jerry Golden for his top selling Blue Ribbon Cigars. His fancy black plastic box, trimmed in gold, is rarely found today (1970) with the futuristic corners of the lid unbroken. Golden described the box as a nuisance because it had to be packed so carefully, but it was both attractive and popular.
Library of Congress Catalog Number: 78-67508. ISBN:0-932780-00-8.