Acquisition No.: 2022-04
Title: Ephemera; Red land (White Hall,) PA
Item History:

In the late 1800's one of Bonneauville's closest small town neighbors was Whitehall, PA. The boom town was also known as Red Land, as indicated on White Hall's post office's postal cancellation stamp. All three of these pieces of mail were addressed to sendee Atty. McSherry of Gettysburg PA. Senders were:

2022-04a - Justice of the peace A. H. Parr.

2022-04b - Agricultural implement dealer F. J. Goulden.

2022-04c - One Donald Hill (sp?).

There is little left to indicate that a town ever existed where the remanant cluster of old houses now stands on the Bonneauvville/Littlestown Road. Due to its proximity of Bonneauville, and due also to the greatly diminished size and popularity of White Hall, I include items regarding the town in this Bonneauville file.

See Cat. No, 2021-21

Photograph: Image  Image